Newsletter API

This “news” app provides a service for managing Mozilla newsletters.

fixtures/newsletters.json is a fixture that can be used to load some initial data, but is probably out of date by the time you read this.

Currently available newsletters can be found in JSON format via the /news/newsletters/ API endpoint.

If ‘token-required’ is specified, a token must be suffixed onto the API URL, such as:


This is a user-specific token given away by the email backend or basket in some manner (i.e. emailed to the user from basket). This token allows clients to do more powerful things with the user.

A client might also have an API key that it can use with some APIs to do privileged things, like looking up a user from their email.

If ‘SSL required’, the call will fail if not called over a secure (SSL) connection.

Whenever possible (even when the HTTP status is not 200), the response body will be a JSON-encoded dictionary with several guaranteed fields, along with any data being returned by the particular call:

‘status’: ‘ok’ if the call succeeded, ‘error’ if there was an error

If there was an error, these fields will also be included:

‘code’: an integer error code taken from basket.errors in basket-client. ‘desc’: brief English description of the error.

The following URLs are available (assuming “/news” is app url):


This method subscribes the user to the newsletters defined in the “newsletters” field, which should be a comma-delimited list of newsletters. “email” and “newsletters” are required:

method: POST
fields: email, format, country, lang, newsletters, optin, source_url, trigger_welcome, sync
returns: { status: ok } on success
         { status: error, desc: <desc>, code: <error_code> } on error
SSL required if sync=Y
token or API key required if sync=Y

format can be any of the following values: H, html, T, or text

country is the 2 letter country code for the subscriber.

lang is the language code for the subscriber (e.g. de, pt-BR)

first_name is the optional first name of the subscriber.

last_name is the optional last name of the subscriber.

optin should be set to “Y” if the user should not go through the double-optin process (email verification). Setting this option requires an API key and the use of SSL. Defaults to “N”.

trigger_welcome should be set to “N” if you do not want welcome emails to be sent once the user successfully subscribes and verifies their email. Defaults to “Y”.

sync is an optional field. If set to Y, basket will ensure the response includes the token for the provided email address, creating one if necessary. If you don’t need the token, or don’t need it immediately, leave off sync so Basket has the option to optimize by doing the entire subscribe in the background after returning from this call. Defaults to “N”.

Using sync=Y requires SSL and an API key.

source_url is an optional place to add the URL of the site from which the request is being made. It’s just there to give us a way of discovering which pages produce the most subscriptions.

If the email address is invalid (due to format, or unrecognized domain), the error code will be BASKET_INVALID_EMAIL from the basket client.


This method unsubscribes the user from the newsletters defined in the “newsletters” field, which should be a comma-delimited list of newsletters. If the “optout” parameter is set to Y, the user will be opted out of all newsletters. “email” and either “newsletters” or “optout” is required:

method: POST
fields: email, newsletters, optout
returns: { status: ok } on success
         { status: error, desc: <desc> } on error


Returns information about the user including all the newsletters he/she is subscribed to:

method: GET
fields: *none*
returns: {
    status: ok,
    email: <email>,
    format: <format>,
    country: <country>,
    lang: <lang>,
    newsletters: [<newsletter>, ...]
} on success
    status: error,
    desc: <desc>
} on error

The email will be masked unless the request was made with a valid API key.

If POSTed, this method updates the user’s data with the supplied fields. Note that the user is only subscribed to “newsletters” after this, meaning the user will be unsubscribed to all other newsletters. “optin” should be Y or N and opts in/out the user:

method: POST
fields: email, format, country, lang, newsletters, optin
returns: { status: ok } on success
         { status: error, desc: <desc> } on error


Returns information about all of the available newsletters:

method: GET
fields: *none*
returns: {
    status: ok,
    newsletters: {
        newsletter-slug: {
            vendor_id: "ID_FROM_EXACTTARGET",
            welcome: "WELCOME_MESSAGE_ID",
            description: "Short text description",
            show: boolean,  // whether to always show this in lists
            title: "Short text title",
            languages: [
                "<2 char lang>",
            active: boolean,  // whether to show it at all (optional)
            order: 15,  // in what order it should be displayed in lists
            requires_double_optin: boolean


REMOVED. Will return a 404. Use the newer and better lookup-user method.


This allows retrieving user information given either their token or their email (but not both). To retrieve by email, an API key is required:

method: GET
fields: token, or email and api-key
returns: { status: ok, user data } on success
         { status: error, desc: <desc> } on error
SSL required
token or API key required



The API key can be provided either as a GET query parameter api-key or as a request header X-api-key. If both are provided, the query parameter is used.

If user is not found, returns a 404 status and ‘desc’ is ‘No such user’.

On success, response is a bunch of data about the user:

    'status':  'ok',      # no errors talking to CTMS
    'status':  'error',   # errors talking to CTMS, see next field
    'desc':  'error message'   # details if status is error
    'email': 'email@address',
    'format': 'T'|'H',
    'country': country code,
    'lang': language code,
    'token': UUID,
    'created-date': date created,
    'newsletters': list of slugs of newsletters subscribed to,
    'confirmed': True if user has confirmed subscription (or was excepted),
    'pending': True if we're waiting for user to confirm subscription
    'master': True if we found them in the master subscribers table

The email will be masked unless the request was made with a valid API key.

Note: Because this method always calls the backing contact management system one or more times, it can be slower than some other Basket APIs, and will fail if it is down.


This sends an email message to a user, containing a link they can use to manage their subscriptions:

method: POST
fields: email
returns:  { status: ok } on success
          { status: error, desc: <desc> } on error

The email address is passed as ‘email’ in the POST data. If it is missing or not syntactically correct, a 400 is returned. Otherwise, a message is sent to the email, containing a link to the existing subscriptions page with their token in it, so they can use it to manage their subscriptions.

If the user is known in CTMS, the message will be sent in their preferred language and format.

If the email provided is not known, a 404 status is returned.